Fanfare. Chopin Concertos

Fanfare  CHOPIN Piano Concertos Nos. 1 and 2. Fantasy on Polish Airs. Krakowiak.Variations on Mozart’s “Là ci darem la mano.” Andante spianato and Grande Polonaise brillante  Ÿ   CHOPIN Piano Concertos Nos. 1 and 2. Fantasy on Polish Airs. Krakowiak.Variations on Mozart’s “Là ci darem la mano.” Andante spianato and Grande Polonaise brillante  Ÿ  Oleg Marshev (pf); David Porcelijn, cond; South Denmark Phil.  ŸDANACORD 701-702 (2 CDs: 136:06) ​Chopin pianists are a breed apart. Sovereign technique must be taken for granted. Yet Chopin playing never can be mere bravura. Of all the great composers, Chopin is the one who speaks most to the masses. A pianist must identify fully with the popular elements in his music, the singing line and the dance rhythms. Chopin playing rarely succeeds if it descends to the abstract or the arcane. Then there is the issue of Chopin’s harmony, which a player must master...

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Pianist. Mendelssohn

Pianist Magazine October/November 2014 Felix Mendelssohn—Complete Works for Piano & Orchestra South Jutland Symphony Orchestra / Cond. David Porcelijn Danacord DACOCD 734-736

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Classic FM. Ravel, Debussy, Franck

Classic FM November 2009 Ravel Two Concerti; Debussy Fantasie, Franck Symphonic Variations Oleg Marshev pf Sonderborg Symphony Orchestra / Vladimir Ziva Danacord DACOCD 672 Ravel's concertos are chalk and the cheese: the Left Hand is a psychological shocker; the G major is filled with the exuberant energy of the Jazz Age. Marshev doesn't sell either mood short - his Left Hand is bleak, sombre and probing, while he swings effortlessly through the mischievous jazz clichès in the Concerfto in G. The debussy and the Franck receive correspondingly insightful performances PC

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Piano News. Ravel, Debussy, Franck

Piano News March 2010 Ravel Two Concerti; Debussy Fantasie, Franck Symphonic Variations Oleg Marshev pf Sonderborg Symphony Orchestra / Vladimir Ziva Danacord DACOCD 672 Maurice Ravels Klavierkonzert G-Dur ist dem Jazz verschrieben, und vielleicht hatte der Komponist gar einkalkuliert, dass kaum jemand die synkopisch ineinander verschachtelten, rasenden Akkord-Repetitionen allesamt trifft. Der aus Bаku stammende aserbaidschanische pianist Oleg Marshev trifft sie, meistert die kräftezehrenden Trillerketten  in der rechten Hand und das komplette Akrobatik-Programm dieses Konzerts überhaupt bravours. Glänzend geht das Sonderjyllands Symfoniorkester unter Vladimir Ziwas Leitung dabei mit und lässt sich von den kraftvollen Grooves mitreissen. Marshevs technische Brillanz ist ein Genuss genau wie seine hohe Musikalität und der Witz, der mit Zivas Lesart dieses Werkes korrespondiert. überwältigend agiert auch die...

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PIANIST. Ravel, Debussy, Franck

PIANIST 53 2010 Ravel Two Concerti; Debussy Fantasie, Franck Symphonic Variations Oleg Marshev pf Sonderborg Symphony Orchestra / Vladimir Ziva Danacord DACOCD 672 Who needs Ludwig and Wolfgang over-played concertos when there are so many brilliant but unknown concertos out there? Marius Dawn applauds Oleg Marshev and other explorers of neglected repertoire. (more…)

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